Kalon students pay Tuition each month, August – June, and 3 Studio Fees
Monthly Tuition starts at $65/month, and is based on the student’s (or families) individual class schedule:
- 1 class/week: $65/month
- 2 classes: $120/month
- 3 classes: $170/month
- 4 classes: $215 /month
- Unlimited: $250/month
The three studio fees are:
- $45 non refundable Registration Fee (*for 1st student, $25 for each additional student.) Fee includes required Dress Code tee/tutu/ballet skirt.
- $55 Christmas Show Fee (includes T shirt student’s wears in the show/parade). Christmas Show Fees are Due October 15th
- $115 Recital Fee (includes recital costume, commemorative recital T shirt, a digital link to a professional recording of all 3 recital shows, and general recital fee.
Additional recital costumes are $70/class). Recital Fees are Due Feb 15th
More detailed information regarding Tuition Policies can be found in our parent portal
Front Desk is Closed for the Summer; Regular Hours Resume August 12th
Email Us: Frontdesk@kalondanceco.com
Front Desk Phone: 321-360-2103